Organic vegetables are cultivated vegetables naturally without the help of chemicals. Therefore organic vegetables free from chemicalsFree of chemical means of opening the land, fertilizer, seed pemillihan, the process of planting, maintenance and postharvest pest control to packaging does not use chemicals.Fertilizer given to the vegetables come from organic fertilizers, such as compost or manure, instead of chemical fertilizers. Pest control also does not use chemical pesticides. There is no hormone injections in order to fast-growing, nor is there any preservatives when vegetables are packaged for sale. Everything is natural.Because organic vegetables grown naturally, then these vegetables contain a variety of advantages over non-organic vegetables. These advantages are particularly safe from chemical residues so strongly support our health.Consuming organic vegetables many benefits for the bodybenefits Benefits of Organic Vegetables1.Lebih tasty, fresh and not quickly decay. Organic vegetables taste more sweet, crunchy and fresh. This is due to the water content in vegetables is not too much. In addition, the water content is less than the non-organic vegetables organic vegetables this makes it more durable than the decay process. And of course the main reason is because the food was produced with natural production facilities. Organic foods are also often sold locally so it is still fresh.2. More nutritious and healthy. Organic foods are not formed using chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals that do not harm the human body. Organic milk has 50-80% more antioxidants that reduce the risk of tumors. Some studies show that organic fruits and vegetables (eg, rice, tomatoes, cabbage, onions and lettuce organic) contain more nutrients such as vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron. Organic vegetables contain nutrients such higher mineral content than non-organic vegetables. Organically grown vegetables are very healthy for the body.3. No contain chemicals that are harmful to the human body. The benefits of organic vegetables to prevent / reduce the entry of substances - chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides in vegetables to the body. Residue or deposition of chemical given off can be dangerous and cause various diseases such as cancer.4.Menjaga environmental sustainability. With the increasing variety of contamination of the end - the end is to make the production of organic foodstuffs have helped preserve and restore the environment of the pollution of soil, water and air so as to create a safe world for future generations.